Galician Carnival

From year to year we expect this time to fulfill the traditions, prepare a costume, cook the typical deserts and share laughs, dance and party days with friends. Ourense province in Galicia has many carnival events, but we can also find in Deza’s region in Pontevedra’s province, many traditional Carnival known as Xenerais da Ulla, […]

Delicioso tempo familiar

Este bizcocho de chocolate es para nosotros una oportunidad más de disfrutar tiempo en familia haciendo algo que nos gusta y participando todos. Si quieres ver mas actividades para hacer en familia en Adviento sigue el enlace. A parte, decir que esta receta es deliciosa y en casa no dura casi ni un dia desde […]

Delicious family time

This chocolate cake is a great opportunity for us to enjoy family time while doing something we love and allowing everybody to participate in. What is more, this is a delicious recipe, proved by the fact it doesn’t last almost a day since we do it.   Ingredients 4 eggs 230 ml of milk (we […]

My child doesn’t want to eat

“Isn’t he hungry?”, “Did he ate enough?, “Is this good for his health?” – those are questions that I keep on asking myself since the moment my son left my belly, and believe me, at the beginning those truly were very justified questions because first 3 months of my motherhood were constant fight for milk, […]