Welcome to MOMMAS coffee – Masters Of Motherhood Making Awesome Stuff, inspiration, learning, sharing and self development tools for mums.
This is intercultural, experimental and innovative learning project focused on mums. We invite you to e-travel with us in 3 realities of Europe: Galicia, Czech Republic and Poland to discover and talk what being a parent means.
Our project is created by 3 non-governmental organizations: Asociación veciñal Minas da Brea from Galicia, LOS – Libereckáobčanská společnost from Czech Republic and Unesco Initiatives Centre from Poland and financed with EU programme Erasmus+ funds.
Long time ago mothers, grandmothers, grand grand mothers met around fire to talk, share, learn from each other, to explore collective wisdom..
Many things have changed since that time from women’s role in society to the way nowadays “fire” looks like. How mothers in nowadays reality find space for listening to their inner voice, how do they deal with work & life balance, from where do they gain inspiration and knowledge of how to be parent..
to give mothers space for personal growth, learning from each other and creating learning community of parents both on international level and in local communities of participants
personal growth – from time management, time for self reflection to self coaching and other personal development tools
learning from each other – sharing collective wisdom = learning simple ways, approaches, which help to take care better of yourself and your child, from healthy food, healing herbs to relaxation techniques or simply creative game supporting child development
- THIS ONLINE MOMMAS MAGAZINE focusing on parenting in intercultural context, which aims to share our experience with wider online community
- 3 international meetings (5 working days each)
- april 2019 in Poland
- october 2019 in Czech Republic
- february 2020 in Galicia
- local activities = World Cafe meetings organised by participants, which aim startup reflection on parenting in our local communities
Follow us on Facebook and read aticles written by real mums from Europe.
May the energy stay with you!