There has been written so much on mind mapping. However, I believe it may be worthy to remind some facts about this wonderful method that helps you to take notes, remember better and think through various problems in everyday life. Having a mind map means not only to inspire big ideas or develop business projects but also to handle daily tasks, develop yourself or gain confidence when making decisions. And believe it or not, even parents taking care of their children all day long can use mind maps for their daily life improvement.
My personal tips how to use and when to use mind maps in everyday life:
Organize your day with a mind map
As a mother, I am supposed to arrange dozens of things every day. Daily routine starts when I get up and have to kick out most of my family out of the house. After that follows a long long to do list. Some of the tasks I should not definitely forget to do – for example, to pick up kids from nursery school. Some of them may be postponed a bit – for example, to pick up the children from grannie´s. And hard to say why, but for some reasons, I am not able to perform some of the tasks, even though I never forget them – for example, to go out with my wine friend in the evening.
Many diverse tasks and their different importance. The mind map helps me organize daily or weekly tasks and see which of them needs to be done immediately. By writing them down, I remember them better, and then, even if I forget the sheet of paper with my mind map at home, my chances of forgetting less than ever are getting bigger. Anyway, I am still looking for some improvements to manage the evening wine with my friend not only in the paper schedule.
Be creative in everyday activities
As a mother caring all day for children, I sometimes feel at risk. Endangered by daily routine, social exclusion, burnout, or little self-realization. Creativity in dealing with everyday issues helps reduce this risk. Mind maps are a great help in finding and discovering new possibilities and contexts. They often open new horizons. For example, if you decide to create a mind map on “How to spend tonight” together with your partner, you can look forward not only to an interesting creative experience, but perhaps to an extraordinary output. And what other areas can be approached creatively and unconventionally? How to spend your free time, how to relax, what to cook, where to go, what to do in a different way, …
Engage children in planning holidays and family time
How to combine fun, education, time spent with children and planning? Mindmap the whole family together. A common mind map on “What to do on holidays?” brings fresh ideas, engages children in family planning, and teaches them how to create their own mind maps. Once it is done, you can place the result on the fridge, and inspired by many ideas follow your dreams and wishes. Tick off what you have managed to do and add new comments continuously. Simply, make it a living tool.
Make decisions and choices easily
Even as a mother taking care of children, I have to make many difficult decisions every day. Some are easier – like cleaning up or going to bed? However, some are more demanding. Getting back to work or planning another child? A mind map on the topic helps to see all the pros and cons in context. And if reasons on one side clearly dominate, decision making is easier.
Of course, there are many other ways how to use mind maps effectively in everyday (parental) life. However, it is up to each of us, to what extent we will be creative and willing to seek new opportunities for our own development. Good luck on your journey to mastering mind mapping.
And What Are The Basic Rules For Mind Mapping?
• Place a sheet of paper horizontally in front of you
• Start from the centre – write a keyword that represents the topic, draw an appropriate central picture
• Draw so many branches, how many subtopics you want to focus on
• Use a different colour for each branch
• Curve your branches
• Use single word prompts and sit them on their own line
• Use colours, pictures, symbols or codes throughout your map
• Connect your main branches – emphasise relations
Author: Mgr. Michaela Klapková Matúšová
I am a mother of four children, a partner of an amazing husband and a teacher of mathematics and arts. Sometimes I also work as a coordinator, a project manager, a sports instructor etc. However, the most I consider myself as a whole life learner. I find the process of learning so exciting! I believe that learning equals challenge, discovery, exploration, playing games, solving problems and being both with other people and myself. I like sharing and learning about learning, whether in normal or professional life.