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Local event for foster mums in Szczawno Zdrój

We had a pleasure to organise (22nd Oct, 2020) a local meeting called “Mama na kawie” at the Municipal Public Library in beautiful and cosy Szczawno-Zdrój. We made it possible thanks to Association of Foster Parenting from Wałbrzych and our friend, foster mama Kasia (you can read about her in this article). We started with coffee of course, later to proceed to first workshop focused on “Parent-child communication” let by local trainer Marta Gajb- Prusaczyk (more about Marta here ).

Why we have identified the need of communication as a crucial to improve? Nowadays, when life is on the move, the ability to communicate effectively takes on new meaning and value. It becomes an important tool for every human being in many spheres of life. The ability to communicate fulfills many important functions, for example: it satisfies the needs of contact with other people by forming bonds, it enables the influence on the behavior of other people by disseminating important values, norms and patterns of behavior. Communication also plays a significant role in the process of human self-improvement. It definitely makes it easier to understand other people, the world around him, as well as yourself, which allows you to strengthen your self-esteem. The social group formed by the parents is not an exception. Intergenerational dialogue is one of the most difficult forms of communication we have the opportunity to deal with. The peculiar relationship of a child with a parent results to the greatest extent from the specificity of their needs naturally oriented towards their parents. Appropriate responses to the child’s needs strengthen a close and positive bond, while failure to understand and ignore them causes grief, resentment and even aggression in the child. Such feelings and behaviors, far from indifferent, also constitute a specific form of a relationship, albeit unfriendly and negative. Competences in terms of communication are crucial for all parents, but in case of foster parenting become a must, as they usually have under protection children after traumas, hurt and unconfident with adults.

After workshop with Marta and another coffee we enetered in the world of food, diet and impact of nutrition on behaviours, habits and well- being of children and whole families. This part was conducted by diet expert, Anna Miszczyk . Every participant has got an infopack with basic information about nutrition and calendar /  plan with ideas for meals, recipes. We hope this set of tips & tricks will be useful for foster mums to menage their numerous families and enables a little bit of time for a coffee break!